From left “Frate Domenico” with “Osvaldo Bevilacqua”
• CHI E': He’s one of the 3 Cistercian monks of the Charterhouse of Trisulti, the last herbalist friar: even today, he picks personally herbs in the mounts Ernici, as he tells in some unbeatable books. He’s used to taking care of the cuisine. Even now, every day, he prepares lunches and dinners for others friars and personally welcomes the guests. His fame has increased after the interview with Osvaldo Bevilacqua in the tv-show “Sereno Variabile” (RAI2), realized among Collepardo and Vico nel Lazio, with the coordination of Luciano Rea from Ciociariaturismo. His smile fills the heart of anyone who will meet him for the first time. If you don’t find him in the monastery you may find him looking for herbs in the mounts Ernici.
• NATO A: Morino (Aq) 7/02/1935
• DOVE VIVE: Certosa di Trisulti
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